Lightmapping WTF?

I must say Im getting very frustrated with the lightmapping solution. It crashes all the time and when it doesn’t crash, I get these unexplainable splotches (or shadows) that, no matter what settings I use, don’t go away.

Does anyone have a clue whats going on or is it just that Beast is not ready for a production environment?

The Beast workflow is all about tweaking settings and rebaking.

In your case, I suggest a number of settings to tweak which may or may not help (I hope they do):

  1. Reduce your number of bounces and resolution, 1 or 2 bounces and a resolution of 75 or lower.
  2. Up the amount of final gather rays as a lower number can produce noise, start from the default value of 1000
  3. Try increasing the amount of Interpolation Points as that can smooth out results, be careful not to set too high as you can lose detail.
  4. Check the Lights properties in the Lightmapper Object tab, for the specific point or spot light increase shadow radius above 0, and then increase the level of shadow samples as the higher amount of samples will reduce noise.

Just some of the tricks which may help with your scene.