Hey there,
I’m having a bit of a dilemma regarding the lighting in my level. I’m currently working on converting a game made in the C4 Engine into Unity but I only have (or more precisely, will have in 3 days) the Indie license of Unity which doesn’t support real-time shadows. Coming from C4 (which has a completely dynamic lighting system) this will be quite a bit of adjustment for me.
What I’m trying to figure out right now is how to use Lightmaps. I know how to create them and apply them, but I can’t figure out when and where to use them without going crazy.
I’ll give you a more solid example. The screenshot linked below is a prototype of Level1 from our game:
Obviously, there are quite a few objects that will be added to this scene but my basic problem is this. If I light this scene in Unity with a single Directional light, you can imagine how bland that looks. I want the Directional Light shadows, which I can easily bake in Cinema4D into lightmaps, but my platforms are so huge, I’m afraid that I’m going to have to use high-res lightmaps to get anything to look decent. Another solution I can think of is to split the big pieces into smaller ones, but then I have to bake lightmaps for quite a few objects which is another hassle.
Is there an easier way to go about this that I’m not realizing?