Lightmaps wash out on Play

I’m having a strange issue where my lightmaps are getting washed out when I run the game. This happens in both the scene view and camera, so its not a camera effect. Ambient light is black and there are no other lights in the scene (just baked ones) that turn on on run. It happens in both deferred and forward rendering.Im using Unity 4.6.2

You can see in the image, on the left is what its supposed to look like and the right is what happens on play (I hid the shadow casting objects to make it clear whats happening). Im at a loss as to why this could be happening. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

I’ve noticed that HDR reflection probes give my scene a washed out look. If I turn the lights off and turn them on again, I can see the see become washed out as each of the reflection probes is updated. I’m not sure that is your issue though, since it looks like that in the editor as well as play mode for me and I don’t think the effect is quite that bad. Turning off HDR on the reflection probes fixes it, but then metals look black instead of whatever specular color they are supposed to be. If you have any reflection probes, it may be worth a try though.

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HA! That was exactly it! Thanks HemiMG! Im using Marmoset except I have the probe diffuse intensity set to 0 and am using light probes for diffuse lighting. So basically Im using it for reflections only. It seems on run, the probe is defaulting the diffuse value to 1 and washing out my setup. Thanks again!

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