[LightProbes] Show baked probes in the Editor (Unity 5)

Back in Unity 4-days there was an easy way to show the baked probes as illuminated spheres by opening the “Lightmapping”-Window and toggling “Show Probes” in the SceneView-GUI.
However, I’m having trouble finding this feature in Unity 5 (5.0.0p3). When opening the “Lighting” window, no baked probes are shown and there also isn’t any SceneView-GUI.
By selecting the LightProbeGroup, I can see the positions of all probes in the group but I don’t see any visualization of the baked illumination at these probes.
Anyone knows where I can find this feature in U5?

Ah! Just go to your Gizmos drop-down, turn on 3d gizmos, and bump the display size up. You just need to make sure that lightprobegroup is checked in that dropdown. You should be all set!

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Toggling LightProbeGroup on/off in that gizmo-dropdown only shows/hides the probe-positions when the LightProbeGroup is selected. These small spheres are always completely yellow and don’t show what the actual illumination baked into them looks like. What I’m looking for instead are the baked probes (the small spheres shaded according to their SH-values).

This appears to be a defect. Toggling LightProbeGroup gizmo should show light probe nodes even if probe is deselected (given the scene was baked). And the nodes should be with the preview, just as it were in 4.x.

There seem to be users with similar issues - there was even a bug filed for the problem: Unity Issue Tracker - Baked light probe group gizmos aren't displayed in scene view

Does anyone have a workaround/solution yet?
So far I tried updating the graphics driver (GTX 660), deleting all Unity-related date on my machine in AppData/… and randomly changing project settings - nothing seems to work for me

Sorry for the necropost but the answer is Window → Lighting → Settings → Debug Visualization → Light Probe Visualization → All Probes No Cells.


in Unity 2022 Window → Rendering → Lighting → Scene Tab → Workflow Settings → LightProbeVisualization


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