Lights 2D perspective Camera (cinemachine) with Noise Profile bug

We have specified to use a perspective cinemachine camera for our 2D game using the 2D lighting system and the shadow caster.

Noted that perspective and Light 2D was fixed a while ago: Unity Issue Tracker - Lighting Renders Incorrectly when using 2D Lighting and Perspective camera

However, when enabling multichannel perlin noise on our cinemachine virutal camera, we noticed that part of the 2D light is moving around the game view.

This is using 6000.0.28f1 on 2D URP Default settings. Render scale 1.

Switch the Cinemachine camera between Ortho and Perspective eliminates the issue.

After implementing a custom noise script to the virtual camera, the bug is still persistent, the Light volume moves unexpectedly.

a little bit concerned about the implications with other game features we have already developed in our assets (CameraShake, etc)

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