-- Lights before and after bake --


I’m confused because of lightmaps after baking in Unity 5. I set lights on scene and after baking (building) everything is brighter than before on static objects… Lights set on mixed mode. It’s wired, because in Unity4 I never get anything like this. It looks alot different before baking and after…

Some screens:
before bake

after bake

As You can see right green box and left red box are static and didn’t cast shadows… Also the quality of the shadows are not as good as before baking. I try to use diffrent settings and can’t figure it out.

All materials are standard, just albedo colors.
Color space set on gamma.

Any ideas?

Thanks for help

we are already aware of the issues with mixed mode and are actively working to improve it.
You can track status here:

Thanks for answer Spiriitiks!
But hey, whats with that brighter objects after baking (building)??

If you set the light to baked, it should look the same as real time if you are working in linear color space.

But I want to stay on the gamma color space. Linear color space look less natural. The lightmapping in Unity 5 is bad… ;(