Lightwave 3ds Crashes Unity

Importing a 3ds file exported from Lightwave crashes Unity. :frowning:

Holy… What is wrong with that program?

I’ve imported 3DS from Blender, Max, Bryce just fine…

Also Cheetah, Silo too.

Have you tried something simple, like a plain cube or sphere? Also, I’m not sure if it matters, but is it a primitive or a regular mesh? I crashed unity with an fbx from Cinema 4D, but it was because of how it was set up, I later imported one with no problem, and haven’t had a problem since. May be similar.

Just to make sure: You are remembering to file bugs on these issues (and including the fbx files)…

Since we use Alias’ code to load fbx files, there’s probably some we can’t fix - but then at least we can bitch about it to alias, and some of the bugs are probably ours as well…