Like to Develop Application not a Game on Unity

.I like to develop some applications on Unity 3D for iOS and Android because there are some 3D contents in the application, this means I am not talking about games only applications so I have a question:
Is Unity 3D is a good approach to create applications?



Yes. Many applications have already been made by using Unity. You can have a look at Best non-game in Unite10 and 11, to see what kinds of things have been done.

It’s a very good idea, Unity is great for creating whatever that uses opengl accelerated graphics and animations, sound (to some extent, wouldn’t recommend using unity to program a garage band style of application) and user interaction / navigation not using native device / os components.

Basically anything graphically intense.

Currently I’m working on a 2d comic book reader with unity, and that works great!


Thanks Henry

Thanks Yuriy

Thanks Ola

It’s what I do and it works perfectly. It’s inexpensive and powerful. The main downside to Unity is the lack of a good UI tool. So, do some research and pick your favorite and use that. Do not try to build a quality application using Unity’s hack UI. Personally, I like EZGui, but … you’re mileage may vary.


I’d love to use it to make programs. Imagine a Unity powered word processor- turning the page never looked so cool. xD

Or some of the best slideshows ever. Or whatever. Sounds great!