
Nice style to it… must admit i’ve got a softspot for platformers.


looks like it could get really intense and scary. I like the style too.

It’s nice to see a game with a completely different style of it’s own. I haven’t been excited about any games in a long time, but this one looks extremely original and I love the art direction. Can’t wait to see more on it.

Looks like an Ico and Alone in the dark mixing game.

Just realized…


Arnt Jensen in Kopenhagen…

Very nice style but it looks more like a mix of some games/videos than something really new to me. Contrary to black/white movies i dislike games in black/white. I haven’t seen a single one where a reasonable colouring wouldn’t be much better than just greyscale. It get’s on my nerves after some time…

I know Arnt personally… he’s an extremely creative guy. Unfortunately he doesn’t know much about programming, and doesn’t get programming.

If someone wants to relocate to Copenhagen to work with him, I know they have an open position for a lead programmer.


Hey no problem! Count me in… ;O)

The posted the job on a Danish game development forum recently. All it said was:
Seeks full-time C programmer to develop a 2D game-level editor.
Starting as soon as possible.
Arnt Jensen
Cell +45 2624 8212

They have partial funding, so I believe it’s a paid position.


I like the art style, I think the greyscale fits it perfectly. :stuck_out_tongue:

Have you ever played a greyscale game for a few hours instead of just watching a little teaser? Believe me after some time you will cry out for colours and if you just do them in a theme way like going into a mainly green palette for the forrest a grey style for the mechanical part and so on…

Greyscale is nice for movies but it sucks in games.