I am trying to make a system that only allows the player camera to see what is illuminated by the points light attached to the player object. I have a full screen shader graph that allows everything to be shown as a sign effect.
Only the objects within that white circle at the bottom should be visible.
The shader is from this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGEz8oKyMpY
Is the rest of the scene purely dark? Then it should work automatically, when you only see objects within the light. You could also limit the far clipping plane of the camera to the point light range, and clear the camera to solid black. But I am not sure if this gives the desired effect (plane vs. sphere).
I just linked the video in another thread, but I guess it could also be helpful here: https://youtu.be/3CpEn_mmr3o?si=HK2OfLlGouYFAYCp
You could create a sphere object with the same radius as the point light around the player. And then only render the objects that intersect with the sphere (depth greater). Either experiment with the stencil approach around minute 11, or try the render objects way where the character with an outline when it is behind an object (at the end of the video).