Limit player transform on x axis

I m making a game on android device , i use accelerometer and i want my player to transform only on x axis.

this is the code i write:

void Update()
float amtToMove = -Input.acceleration.y * PlayerSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
Vector3 pos = transform.position;
pos.x = Mathf.Clamp(pos.x + amtToMove, -0.19f, 2.3f);
transform.position = pos;
I use Mathf.Clamp and this work very well but i don’t want to put a fixed value.
i want my player to be limited on screen width.
Can any one help me
PS: Sorry for my bad english and
thanks in advance.

Sure you just need to convert the screen coordinates into world coordinates at the position of the player.

So you have Screen.width which will tell you your horizontal width, then:

 minX = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0,0,player.transform.position.z - Camera.main.transform.position.z)).x;
maxX = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Screen.width, 0, player.transform.position.z - Camera.main.transform.position.z)).x;

So using ScreenToWorldPoint will convert the screen coordinate, based on the camera, to the world at z units from the camera.