Limited foresight?

Hey, when I place a camera under a skydome or a similar giant hollow object, the edges of it start to dissapear. Maybe a foresight limitation?
In case of a dome, it looks like this after a scale of 1000 and above:

(blue thing is the skydome, grey the ground)

It seems to happen independently from the shader of the dome and other things. Maybe some hidden settings somewhere? It’s just a very ugly problem as you can see ^^

You can increase the far plane setting of your camera to fix this problem. However, it’s probably better to reduce the size of skydome and add it as child to the camera. Setting your far plane higher may cause a lot of extra stuff to be drawn (assuming your world is significantly larger than 1000x1000 units).

Have you tried adjusting your cameras far clip plane? That could do it if I understand your problem. The problem is the creation of the white area based on draw distance? Then it’s your viewing area in which the far clip plane could solve your issue.

Edit: tomvds posted just as I clicked to reply I guess lol. Yes take his advice increasing draw distance to that level may cause performance issues. Get it within draw distance and drag it into your character hierarchy. Then it will move with your player.

Yei, the far clip plane was the malefactor, thanks guys!

Adding it as a child to the camera would be better, yes, but I need these big distances to accomplish a nice foggy horizon far away from everything. It’s looking odd when the horizon is like 50 meters in front of you ^^

You can increase the fog by going to Edit->Render Settings and change the fog density number in the inspector.