Hello Everyone,
I want to make a connection approval process that can reject incoming connections based on any number of connected players. How can I limit the number of players (Clients) connecting the game (Server)? Does network driver count the connected players or should I do my own counter on server side? How can I use ServerClientCount in Bootstrap (ClientServerBootstrap.WorldCounts.Data.serverWorldsClientServerBootstrap.WorldCounts.Data.serverWorlds
public static void RegisterServerDriver(World world, ref NetworkDriverStore driverStore, NetDebug netDebug, ref FixedString4096Bytes certificate, ref FixedString4096Bytes privateKey, int playerCount = 0
var settings = GetNetworkServerSettings(playerCount: playerCount);
settings = settings.WithSecureServerParameters(certificate: ref certificate, privateKey: ref privateKey);
RegisterServerDriver(world, ref driverStore, netDebug, settings);
Thanks in advance.