Line of code skipped in if block?

I’ve seen a couple posts asking about this but most were a little convoluted… This one’s pretty straightforward. I’m using Unity 3.5.7 still - eventually I’ll upgrade but I’ve been going strong with what I’ve got and I don’t currently see a compelling reason to upgrade.

Anyway, I’m working on a tricky bit of pathfinding and so I started debugging and started noticing something very strange.

Here’s the code:

			if(fromIslandI == islands.Count) { 
				this.status = IslandBuildStatus.COMPLETE;

Hrm, maybe I spoke too soon. Even though it claims to be executing that line of code, the status isn’t being changed.

The this.status setting line was being skipped when I debugged. Looking at the locals I can confirm that its value never changed to COMPLETE and a check in the method that called this didn’t enter a block that it should have had the status been COMPLETE.

I removed the return; and suddenly the status is getting set correctly.

What the heck??

OK nevermind. It looks like it was actually executing other lines of code and the debugger lied