Line Renderer is just flat?

Hi All.

I am trying to make a simple “laser pointer” using line renderer.
All the tutorials i find are outdated and line renderer layout does not look like the 2019.4.11f1 version i use.

When a create a game object and add line renderer, it just looks flat?
Not round like in the outdated tutorials I have watched.

What am i doing wrong?

Can you provide a link to one of these tutorials with a round linerenderer? It’s always looked flat to me.

I suppose it can be made to look rounded using a material that has the appropriate normal map though.

You may actually be right?

I just think it looks more round in videos.

looks like he’s using that circle texture, which gets stretched (and particle shader to have transparency)


I will have to look into that.
Thx for your input mgear.