Line renderer won't show despite being enabled.

I’m trying to have a line show from the hand out as a ray whenever the index trigger is pressed. What I get is if I turn this script off the line shows up just fine. If I turn it on, I can get the debug to show the button was pressed but the line doesn’t show up. I’m at a loss as to why the line renderer is perpetually disabled.

using Oculus.Platform.Models;
using Pixyz.Utils;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Measure : MonoBehaviour
    //set up rays to represent hand to measurement point and point to point
    public LineRenderer lrMeasure2;  //Ray from hand to point of measurement
    //public LineRenderer Ray;    //Line showing point 1 to point 2

    //turn line on/off
    private bool blLineActive =false;

    //get right hand position
    public Transform trfmRightHand;

    // store input from right hand trigger
    private float flHandRight = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.Axis1D.SecondaryIndexTrigger);

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        //Set up line render
        Vector3[] v3StartLinePosition = new Vector3[2] {, };
        lrMeasure2.enabled = false;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //string strTemp;

        //Run routine if right trigger button is pressed
      flHandRight = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.Axis1D.SecondaryIndexTrigger);

        if (flHandRight > 0.9)
            blLineActive = true;
            lrMeasure2.enabled = true;
            Debug.Log("Right Trigger Pressed");

        } else
            lrMeasure2.enabled = false;
            blLineActive = false;           
        if (blLineActive)
            //get point data

Both 2 points are First point is the start point, second point is the end of the line. But since they are both zero they overlap.
What happens if you use a Vector3.Forward as second point?

Oh, thanks. That did the trick. One more question, I’ve got the size of the renderer at Z of 100. When I run, I get the line but it keeps reverting to a Z of 1. How can I set this?