LinecastNonAlloc, documented syntax gives error...

I found out about the non memory allocating version of Linecast and want to move to it, but I can’t for the life of me figure out how to get the syntax right to let it compile. The documentation simply says to at least have your start/end Vector 2’s, as usual, and then RaycastHit2D for the third argument. But this does not compile, it will say "Unexpected symbol “[”. The doc provides no actual script example, sadly =/

So has anyone used this version of Linecast yet and gotten it to work? Here’s an example of the code line I’m trying.

Physics2D.LinecastNonAlloc(groundCheckL_start.position, groundCheckL_end.position, RaycastHit2D[]); 

I’ve tried it in a fresh/clean script as well, just to make sure it wasn’t an issue caused by something else in my script. And it’s definitely not the first 2 arguments, or at least shouldn’t be, as they are Vector2 positions which worked fine with the regular Linecast.


const int maxReturnedIntersections = 5;
private RaycastHit2D hits = new RaycastHit2D[maxReturnedIntersections];


int foundIntersections = Physics2D.LinecastNonAlloc(start, end, hits);

if (foundIntersections>maxReturnedIntersections) Debug.LogWarning("Got More Intersections than expected. Consider increasing maxReturnedIntersections");

int intersections = Mathf.min(maxReturnedIntersections, foundIntersections);
for(int i = 0; i<intersections; i++)
