
So I making a 2D game and I put a LineRender on one of my sprites and it only shows up in 3D world which is annoying me and When I keep it 3D I can’t see it because its behind all my other sprites, how to fix?

Both the SpriteRenderer and the LineRenderer components have a SortingLayer and OrderinLayer property. If both are on the Default layer, set the line renderer order in layer to a higher value than the sprite.

This is my entire Line Redner component I don’t see sorting layer or order in layer, In my last project they were there but there not now, I’m so confused

I think it 's not the problem about the sorting layer.
Try to make the z value of the positions on the linerender bigger than the z value of your sprites. Then , the line render will be cover the sprites…
Just change the z value of the game object can not work.