LineRenderer does not work on mobile devices(Please me)

Hello , sorry for my English:)

This script works great in Editor,but does not workon mobile devices
Use 2D

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Line : MonoBehaviour {
    public bool Dynamic;

    public float Size = 1f;
    public Material _mater;
    public class LineSettings{
        public Vector3 StartPosition;
        public Vector3 EndPosition;

        public Transform StartTargetPosition;
        public Transform EndTargetPosition;

        public LineRenderer LR;

    }    public List<LineSettings> lineSettings;

    public Color colorLineStart =;
    public Color colorLineEnd =;
    public LayerMask Layer;
    public int OrderInLayer;

    private Transform _thisTransform;

    void Awake(){
        _thisTransform = transform;

    void Update(){
        if (Dynamic ) {

        if ( lineSettings != null ){

            for ( int i = 0; i < lineSettings.Count; i++){



    public    void AddLine(Transform _start,Transform _end){

          LineSettings NL = new LineSettings();
            GameObject NewLine = new GameObject("MyLine",typeof(LineRenderer));
                 NewLine.layer = 11;

         NL.StartPosition = _start.position;
          NL.EndPosition =  _end.position;
           NL.StartTargetPosition = _start;
             NL.EndTargetPosition =  _end;

         NL.LR = NewLine.GetComponent<LineRenderer>();
         NL.LR.sortingLayerName = "Girl";
         NL.LR.sortingOrder = OrderInLayer;
         NL.LR.material = _mater;
         NL.LR.useLightProbes = false;
         NL.LR.receiveShadows = false;
         NL.LR.shadowCastingMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.Off;

        if (!Dynamic){
          NL.LR.SetPosition(0,  NL.StartPosition);
           NL.LR.SetPosition(1,  NL.EndPosition);


public void DeleteLine(int number){

public void ClearLine(){
        for ( int i = 0; i< _thisTransform.childCount; i ++ ) {
    //                    lineSettings[i].LR.SetPosition(0,new Vector3(lineSettings[i].StartTargetPosition.position.x,lineSettings[i].StartTargetPosition.position.y,0));
    //                    lineSettings[i].LR.SetPosition(1,new Vector3(lineSettings[i].EndTargetPosition.position.x,lineSettings[i].EndTargetPosition.position.y,0));

Don’t have any guesses why

My actions to correct the problem:

1.Change the z coordinate of -100 to 100
2.Tried to use different shaders
3. in the Edit menu/Graphics Add shaders to"Always included shaders"

Nothing helps, works in the editor,but not on the device,help please

Thanks for the help

Line renderer most definitely does work on mobile devices. I used it in a game I published recently on Google play called ’ Two Lines’. I’m not sure why yours is not working…just keep at it I suppose. Good luck

Hi Denis,

I failed to see any reason your line renderer is not working. Since this is not really a 2D related issue, I suggest you narrow down the problem to which particular device that is not working and move this post to the related platform forum. You might can better help from there.


I found the problem,as usual it myself:)
“Tutorial how to make 100 wrong action and ignore one important”

I have called the function AddLine in #UNITYEDITOR
And forgot her record in #UNITYANDROID

Very sorry,but thanks anyway)