LineRenderer not showing after building the project

Linerenderer(the lines between the nodes) is working fine in game view and scene view

How I do this is by creating a new object, attaching a linerenderer component to it when the user clicks one node and then another.

However, after I build the project and run it, the linerenderer doesn’t work anymore. Anyone know how to solve this?

I manage to solved it by using the follow string as material

"Shader \"line\" { Properties { _Color (\"Color Tint\", Color) = (1,1,1,1) _MainTex (\"SelfIllum Color (RGB) Alpha (A)\", 2D) = \"white\" } Category { Lighting On ZWrite Off Cull Back Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha Tags {Queue=Transparent} SubShader { Material { Emission [_Color] } Pass { SetTexture [_MainTex] { Combine Texture * Primary, Texture * Primary } } } } }"

Go to Edit → Project Settings → Graphics and make sure it’s listed under “Always Included Shaders”.

This link discussions similar problem with yours