Link a variable to a field of an Blackboard ScriptableObject


I usually have ScriptableObjects containing meta information used by a MonoBehaviour.

In this case, I have a GrowableSO which has a list of Step. A Step simply contains two fields/properties for a Sprite and a time.
In my Growable-MonoBehaviour I have a serialized fields for the GrowableSO, so I can access the steps. The Growable-Script simply loops over all steps, waits the amount of time and then sets the sprite.

Using Unity Behavior, I want to do the same, so my initial idea was to create a Blackboard-Variable that can hold an instance of GrowableSO (which will be set in Awake later).

However, I cannot link the “Delay” action to a field/property of my SO.

I know that I can make a custom action for that, but since this seems to be a common task, I’m missing something?

Thank you!

Hi @ManuelRauber

For now, the recommended approach is the creation of a custom node. The package has not been build to be a new visual scripting solution and such capability would require a fair bit of work. So probably not something we could support in the near future.
I think that the best we could provide in the near future would be support for interface that would help abstracting some of these scenarios.

Sorry for the inconvenience.