I would like to be able to get a link to the object in the scene, something like you can get in google maps for certain location…that link should open the web build and show only that certain object. I see there are lot of problems that should be solved to make this working. Any ideas about what is the best course of action?
unity forums cross post:http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/93736-Link-to-the-object-in-the-scene?p=608754#post608754
Like Fox already mentioned i would do it completely in Unity so it doesn’t require you to have php support on your webserver.
I guess you use UnityScript?
function QueryURIParameters()
"var unity = unityObject.getObjectById(\"UnityContent\");" +
"unity.SendMessage(\"" + gameObject.name +"\", \"OnURIParameters\", window.location.search);"
function OnURIParameters(parameters : String)
parameters = WWW.UnEscapeURL(parameters.Substring(1)); // strip the first character (it's the "?") and unescape the string
var params : String[] = parameters.Split("&"[0]);
for (var P : String in params)
// Do what you want with the parameters
function Start()
If your webpage has been opened like this:
You will get this output in Unity:
Just make sure the GameObject this script is attached to has a unique name.
I’ve just tested the code and it works. I had to do some changes. I’m not sure if the docs about browser communication are up-to-date. I’m still using Unity 3.0 and my embed code calls the div “unityPlayer” instead of “UnityContent”. There’s even a public inline function called “GetUnity” in the html template. It will return the unityobject. So you could do:
function QueryURIParameters()
"GetUnity().SendMessage(\"" + gameObject.name +"\", \"OnURIParameters\", window.location.search);"