LinkedEntityGroup and DestroyEntity hierarchically

I dont understand how LinkedEntityGroup works. I create 2 entities inside SystemBase OnUpdate ForEach, then i create LinkedEntityGroup buffer:

var projectile = ecb.Instantiate(projPrefab.projectilePrefab);
var jointEntity = PhysicsUtils.CreateLockedZAxisJointEntity(projectile, ecb, drawPoints[0]);
var buffer = ecb.SetBuffer<LinkedEntityGroup>(projectile);

ecb - is EntityCommandBuffer
When i destroy parent entity projectile - child jointEntity not destroying. Code of destroying:

    .ForEach((Entity entity, ref DeathComponent death) =>
        death.destroyAfter -= dt;
        if (death.destroyAfter <= 0f)

I check Entity Debugger, parent entity has component LinkedEntityGroup with right child.
What im doing wrong? Why child entity not destroying when i destroy parent entity?

I find answer here Destroying a parent entity does not destroy some children (LinkedEntityGroup)
LinkedEntityGroup must contain parent component as well.