I’ve just updated to latest XCode Version 7.1.1 (7B1005) and Unity 5.2.3f1 and my project cannot be built anymore. I’m building for simulator so I selected “Simulator SDK” in Unity build settings. “Device SDK” works fine, but I need to test it on simulators.
The error is:
ld: in /Users/alex/Desktop/Ka226_18-11-2015/ka226/Libraries/libiPhone-lib.a(GeoRingBuffer.o), building for iOS simulator, but linking in object file built for OSX, for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
I’ve tried googling some solutions but nothing helps. Also I’m not using any plugins, just plain unity project. Who knows how to solve the problem?
Thanks for pointing this out. But looks like it’s not actually fixed. I’m using latest 5.2.3f1 and the linker error persists. Also tried downgrading to 5.2.2p4. Same problem.
try to off Enable Bitcode and it will work but mhh have some the same bugg that a empty scene have about 200mb ??
When i build the archive ??
The normal folder have 40mb but its big dont now why but its big for nothing.
The archived projects will have larger size due to additional bitcode information, but this is harmless. Bitcode information size is ignored during app size limit calculations during App Store submission.
I’m still seeing this with Unity 5.3.0f4 and Xcode 7.1 (7B91b). Using otool from the command line, you can see that libiPhone-lib.a still has some code marked as built for MacOSX. It would be nice if there is a way to set a linker flag in xcode that relaxes the assertion, but I have not found any.
I’m seeing this too (Xcode 7.2 (7C68), Unity 5.4.0f4 Personal):
… Libraries/libiPhone-lib.a(apicontext.o), building for iOS simulator, but linking in object file built for OSX, for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
I’m seeing the same error as mitchallen with Xcode 7.2 (7C68) / Unity 5.3.0f4 Personal, and cannot build for the Simulator. I tried setting ENABLE_BITCODE to both YES and NO, but it doesn’t make a difference.
Same here. Unity 5.3.0f4. XCode 7.2.
I noticed in XCode that the target’s base SDK is iphonesimulator (SDK not found) and architecture was i386.
Switched to Base SDK of most recent (iOS 9.2) and Architectures to standard (these are the settings I’d have in a native app). Bitcode was off by default.
Builds OK, but the app crashes with Symbol not found:
Really need a fix on this! Or at least a workaround.