Linux build stopped working on Multiplay Hosting after Unity 6

I’ve updated my project and packages to Unity 6 and my linux server build stopped working. It completes the allocation test but breaks right after giving only this error:

Received signal SIGSEGV (11) - code:1 errno:0 addr:(nil)
Obtained 9 stack frames.
#0  0x007f3170710549 in (Unknown)
#1  0x007f316e78f420 in (Unknown)
#2  0x007f316e70e0f9 in (Unknown)
#3  0x007f317071ce25 in (Unknown)
#4  0x007f3170701f89 in (Unknown)
#5  0x007f31707022a0 in (Unknown)
#6  0x007f31706ebee9 in PlayerMain(int, char**)
#7  0x007f316e5ad083 in __libc_start_main
#8  0x00000000201029 in (Unknown)

Edit: It appears to only run the Awake function. If I add code to the Start or Update functions, it throws this error before executing

Deploy a development (debug) build to get a meaningful stacktrace.


This is already a development build. Is there any other place I should check for a meaningful stacktrace besides the standard Engine.log file?

In that case I suppose it crashes very, very early. Try making an empty project and create a server build from that to check that it’s technically working. If not, this would be some incompatibilty and warrant a bug report.

Otoh it could also fail for other reasons. Code stripping level too high comes to mind, or a driver issue (update driver).

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I just tried creating a new empty project build with nothing in the scene, but the exact same behavior still occurs.

For anyone facing this problem in the future, the error occurs because Unity 6 does not support running the server as a Linux build; it now needs to be a Dedicated Server build.

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@ H_Battousai You are a hero. How did you figure this out?

I had to spend a couple of days through trial and error with the Unity support team. Glad to know it was helpful!