Linux Dedicated Server - Inconsistent Collider Behavior

My player’s colliders are attached at various points in the rig. They’re different basic collider shapes but are configured identically. The player is floating (space game in free fall) along with some other objects in the room. Both the player and and the other objects have non-kinematic Rigidbodies.

Colliders properly collide with a Windows host (not server) and client, but with a dedicated Linux server, the objects pass right through SOME of the player’s colliders. The leg capsule colliders work, but the head sphere collider and torso box collider don’t. All of the player’s colliders properly collide with static objects in the scene. So do the other floating objects.

I’m using Mirror for multiplayer. I don’t believe this problem is related to Mirror. I suspect that the physics system isn’t working correctly on Linux.

I’m stumped. Any ideas?

Unity 6000.0.36
Mirror 93.0.1

I just tried a dedicated Windows server. Same problem.

I obviously have something wrong on my end. I’ll post findings here and close the thread once I figure it out.

If anyone has experienced inconsistent collider behavior like I’m describing, I’d love to hear about it. I’ve looked over other collider related discussions, some of which have counterintuitive solutions. One involved setting the read/write flag on the mesh to true. I never would have thought to try that.

The problem had nothing to do with the Physics system. The colliders were in different locations on the server than on the client due a misconfiguration in my animator controller of all things. Not worth going into those details here.