Linux: Dll import not working

I have imported “Kinect with OpenNI2”(!/content/10693) from Unity Asset store. When I run the code , I get below error message

System.DllNotFoundException: UnityInterface2
at (wrapper managed-to-native) KinectWrapper:Init (bool,bool,bool) at KinectManager.Start () [0x00000] in /home/ashok/New Unity Project/Assets/KinectScripts/KinectManager.cs:657
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) KinectManager:Start() (at Assets/KinectScripts/KinectManager.cs:808)

The error message is generated when below code is executed

[DllImport(“UnityInterface2”, SetLastError=true)]
public static extern int Init(bool isInitDepthStream, bool isInitColorStream, bool isInitInfraredStream);

I have found below things

[DllImport(“UnityInterface2”, SetLastError=true)] ------- not working
[DllImport(“UnityInterface2.dll”, SetLastError=true)] ------- not working
[DllImport(“UnityInterface2.dylib”, SetLastError=true)] ------- not working
[DllImport(“”, SetLastError=true)] ------- working but do not want to use it ( unreferenced symbols as I am unable to compile the .cpp and .h files properly from GitHub - rfilkov/OpenNi2UnityInterface to generate .so file)

UnityInterface2.dll and UnityInterface2.dylib are proper compiled files, but unable to use

Aim : To do gesture recognition (hand tracking) on Linux

Hardware : Kinect xbox360

Softwares : Linux,OpenNI2, NiTE2

Unity Package used : Kinect with OpenNI2 (!/content/10693)

**Existing things about the package (code ):**Its meant for windows OS and Osx (Apple) (Package contains UnityInterface2.dll (Windows) and libUnityInterface2.dylib(OsX)) (Package does not contain (Linux))

Existing Platform dependency code : …Platform Independent C# code (specifying location of OpenNI2/NiTE2 installation directories(OsX/Linux)…

If(OS == WIndows OS ) use UnityInterface2.dll library [DllImport(“UnityInterface2.dll”)] ;

else if (OS == OsX ) use libUnityInterface2.dylib library; [DllImport(“libUnityInterface2.dylib”)] ;

… Platform Independent C# code (calling functions in library ) …

Requirement : To modify the code to make it work with Linux in following ways

1. Use the existing library files (.dll and .dylib ) and call its functions, ie

If( OS == Linux ) use UnityInterface2.dll library; [DllImport(“UnityInterface2.dll”)]---- (NOT WORKING))


If( OS == Linux ) use libUnityInterface2.dylib Library [DllImport(“libUnityInterface2.dylib”)](NOT WORKING))

2. Create a .so file ( by compiling the .h and .cpp files in GitHub - rfilkov/OpenNi2UnityInterface location and use the following code

If( OS == Linux ) use Library [DllImport(“”)]

Result : unreferenced symbols as I am unable to compile the .cpp and .h files properly

Basically Trying to use 1st option, ie to make Linux identify .dll or .dylib files)

Don’t you select what platforms you want the DLL to run on in the editor?
I dont know if this is your issue but no harm in checking.

Hi, Thanks for your response .
All the settings in Plugin Inspector are default