Hi All
I’ve discovered that the mouse wheel doesnt work in the linux build of unity3d.
I see that this has been reported, but, does anyone know if there’s a fix? or even going to be?
Thanks in advance
Hi All
I’ve discovered that the mouse wheel doesnt work in the linux build of unity3d.
I see that this has been reported, but, does anyone know if there’s a fix? or even going to be?
Thanks in advance
Coincidentally, I just now submitted a bug report for that. Also Event.current.clickCount doesn’t work in Linux either; submitted a bug for that yesterday and got a confirmation that they could reproduce that and sent it for resolution with the developers.
Ah Awesome! its enough to know they’re working on a fix
Well, I don’t know about that. They do seem to be working on a fix for the clickCount bug. I haven’t gotten any response yet about the scroll wheel bug, but I just submitted it. And it’s Friday.
lol fair enough
I’m getting the mousewheel problem in Linux having compiled from Unity 4.1 on Windows.
This didn’t happen in Unity 4.0.
Furthermore, if you maximise or resize a Unity3d window in Linux (which started windowed), the mouse x,y positions no longer seem to tally up correctly with what they should be… it’s as if Unity is still working to the original window size.
I also can’t get moushewheel to work on Linux, under Unity 4.1, I’m having this problem since Unity 4.0 and reported a bug ages ago.
Is anyone updating the Linux build ?
I’ve been getting reports from users about this as well. I suspect the problem is with control indexing, as reports indicate that the wheel down is apparently acting as a button, and wheel up is acting as wheel down.
This post explains it in more detail:
Disappointing that several months in the mouse issues continue…
Heya HarvesteR! Care to share details of the workaround you used for this in KSP?
That issue was fixed internally and will be available in one of the upcoming 4.X releases.
Good to hear! Hopefully that means 4.1.x – we like our fixes served with minimal regressions.