Lisp based scripting in Unity 3D

The article describes the addition of a Scheme interpreter to the Unity3D game engine resulting in faster, more flexible and more reliable development than using the existing Unity3D C#/Unityscript environment. For games in particular, which have a lot of simultaneous behaviors at runtime and complex data structures to interpret, the high-level Scheme “data as code” duality and functional programming style have proven to be valuable. Read article

Very interesting! I’ve experimented with a similar (although considerably more naïve approach) inspired by my failed attempts at using Clojure inside Unity. Is the code for this available somewhere?

Some time ago I had attempt to use Iron Scheme with Unity. There is post about Facilities for script languages, Scheme in particular


hww, what is the status of this project? I skimmed through the doc… how will coroutines be handled or any events that require the passage of time?

edit: I see the section about coros now.

The lisp binding os fully workable. The game project in development.

Lisp coroutines implementation is not based on C# coroutines at all.

@hww This is gorgeous. Thank you for sharing.

I, too, would be very interested in working with/on this.