List<> and Crafting null reference.

Hello, I am having trouble with some code, whenever I click the craft wall guy button, it will throw a null reference and then not continue(instead of fully doing the craft void, and returning). I think the problem has to do with either/or/both of the scripts, the crafting function in playerinventory, or the constructors/premade recipes. Thanks. I provided the whole code below.

Script(Recipe constructor.)

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public static class CraftingRecipes {

    public static CraftingItem WoodenWall(){
       CraftingItem ct = new CraftingItem ();
       ct.InputItem.Add (ItemConstructors.Wood());
       ct.InputItem.Add (ItemConstructors.Wood());
       ct.OutputItem = ItemConstructors.WoodenWall ();
       return ct;

    public static CraftingItem StoneWall(){
       CraftingItem ct = new CraftingItem ();
       ct.InputItem.Add (ItemConstructors.Stone());
       ct.InputItem.Add (ItemConstructors.Stone());
       ct.OutputItem = ItemConstructors.StoneWall ();
       return ct;

    public static CraftingItem FirePit(){
       CraftingItem ct = new CraftingItem ();
       ct.InputItem.Add (ItemConstructors.Wood());
       ct.InputItem.Add (ItemConstructors.Stone());
       ct.OutputItem = ItemConstructors.FirePit ();
       return ct;


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

public class PlayerInventory : MonoBehaviour {

	public int MaxInventory = 26;

	public List<Item> InventoryItems = new List<Item>();

	void OnGUI(){
		if (GUILayout.Button ("+5 Wood")) {
		if (GUILayout.Button ("Craft Wall")) {


	public void AddItem(Item _item){
		if (InventoryItems.Count < MaxInventory) {

	public void RemoveItem(Item _item){
		InventoryItems.Remove (_item);

	public void UseItem(Item _item){
		if (_item.ItemType == "Food") {

	public void ConsumeItem(Item _item){
		if (_item.ItemDur > 1) {
		else if(_item.ItemDur <= 1){

	public void SaveItems(){
		for (int i = 0; i<MaxInventory; i++) {
			PlayerPrefs.SetString("Itemn"+i,InventoryItems*.ItemName);	*

_ PlayerPrefs.SetString(“Itemt”+i,InventoryItems*.ItemType);_
_ PlayerPrefs.SetInt(“Itemv”+i,InventoryItems.ItemValue);
LoadItems ();
public void LoadItems(){
for (int i = 0; i<MaxInventory; i++) {
Item it = new Item();
it.ItemName = PlayerPrefs.GetString(“Itemn”+i);
it.ItemType = PlayerPrefs.GetString(“Itemt”+i);
it.ItemValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(“Itemv”+i);
it.ItemDur = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(“Itemd”+i);
if(it.ItemName.Length <= 2 && it.ItemType.Length <= 2){

* public void Craft(CraftingItem Recipe){*
* bool canCraft = ContainsAllItems (InventoryItems,Recipe.InputItem);*
* if(canCraft){*
* InventoryItems = InventoryItems.Except(Recipe.InputItem).ToList();*
* InventoryItems.Add(Recipe.OutputItem);*
* }*
* else{*
* Debug.Log(“Invalid Items.”);*
* }*
* }*

* public static bool ContainsAllItems(List a, List b)*
* {*
* return !b.Except(a).Any();*
* }*

Code(Item Class):
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Item
* public string ItemName;*
* public string ItemType;*
* public int ItemValue;*
* public int ItemDur;*
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public static class ItemConstructors

_ /*
* Crafting resources.

* public static Item Wood(){*
* Item it = new Item ();*
* it.ItemName = “Wood”;*
* it.ItemType = “Crafting”;*
* it.ItemDur = 1;*
* it.ItemValue = 1;*
* return it;*
* }*

* public static Item Stone(){*
* Item it = new Item ();*
* it.ItemName = “Stone”;*
* it.ItemType = “Crafting”;*
* it.ItemDur = 1;*
* it.ItemValue = 1;*
* return it;*
* }*

_ /*

* public static Item WoodenWall(){*
* Item it = new Item ();*
* it.ItemName = “Wooden Wall”;*
* it.ItemType = “Build”;*
* it.ItemDur = 100;*
* it.ItemValue = 1;*
* return it;*
* }*

* public static Item StoneWall(){*
* Item it = new Item ();*
* it.ItemName = “Stone Wall”;*
* it.ItemType = “Build”;*
* it.ItemDur = 250;*
* it.ItemValue = 1;*
* return it;*
* }*

* public static Item FirePit(){*
* Item it = new Item ();*
* it.ItemName = “Fire Pit”;*
* it.ItemType = “Build”;*
* it.ItemDur = 50;*
* it.ItemValue = 1;*
* return it;*
* }*

_ /

* Food/Consumables.

public static Item Apple(){

Item it = new Item ();

* it.ItemName = “Apple”;
it.ItemType = “Food”;
it.ItemDur = 1;
it.ItemValue = 1;
return it;

* public static Item Bread(){*
* Item it = new Item ();*
* it.ItemName = “Bread”;*
* it.ItemType = “Food”;*
* it.ItemDur = 2;*
* it.ItemValue = 1;*
* return it;*
* }*
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
CraftingRecipes.WoodenWall () (at Assets/Scripts/Static/CraftingRecipes.cs:9)
PlayerInventory.OnGUI () (at Assets/Scripts/Player/PlayerInventory.cs:21)

As @rhapsodyv pointed out, your CraftingItem class is not initializing the InputItem field.

Your code declares a list variable:

public List<Item> InputItem;

This line would declare that same variable AND create the actual list:

//declare and assign
public List<Item> InputItem = new List<Item>();

Declaration and assignment are distinct operations. Some languages are polite and give member variables a default value of 0 (which is where your null reference is coming from).