List of commerical games

It’s been a good few months since I last took a look at Unity so I thought I’d come back to check on its progress. I’ve had a look through the gallery but I just wondered what other commercial games created with Unity are on the horizon or are about to be released?

*Big Bang Brain Games

Unreleased (In Gallery)
*Global Conflicts: Palestine (Serious Games)
*WolfQuest (Serious Games)
*Timez Attack (BigBrainz)
*Tiki Magic Mini Golf (Mondo Robot)
*Phoenix Final (Neil Carter)

Sorry if I forgot anyone, but that is all the ones that I know of.

  • Big Bang Brain Games by Freeverse has shipped for Mac and Win.
    The game is also being sold retail in all Apple Stores.

There are of course a lot more freeware games that have been released. And a lot of interactive installations like the work shift control has been doing for Volkswagen and Prada.

Unreleased (in development)
The Illusionist (David Janik-Jones/Widget Monkey Games)

And doesn’t Aaron Sullivan have something in the works too?

I’m working on and
(not live yet - in development)

The Late Call is targeting a summer release.

I don’t usually comment too much on works in progress, but I’m getting pretty far along on…

Space Barrage

A few of you might know what that is. It’s a fast paced adrenaline pumping game with furious 2D game play and stunningly beautiful 3D graphics (and other marketing buzzwords!) Who knows when it will be done, but… I’m definitely shooting for this year and the plan is for a commercial release. I’ll share more in a month or so. :smile:

Only had Unity Pro for about 2 weeks, but I am working on an MMO titled “Faith”, our group is called “Triad Realities”, consits so far of 1 primary story boarder, 1 artist, and 1 programmer, all 3 of us pitch in on the story board, but the artist is the primary on the sketches, I deal with prototyping and development / research.

We have tried many ‘game engines’ over the course of the last 2 years, setteling in on this one completly (threw all the others on a dvd and deleted them from my hard drive, literally).

If you don’t own this engine yet, buy it.
I can’t stress enough as to how kick arse this engine is for both Indie and Commercial. It totally blows me away. I am impressed beyond measure.

WolfQuest will be released in December, but we (eduweb) have two other Unity games in the works coming out even sooner:

-“Betwixt Folly and Fate” is a realworld game (a term we prefer over “serious games”) that Colonial Williamsburg will be selling in the fall as part of a larger DVD-CD package for teachers. (We’ll have some screenshots by the end of the month.)

-As-yet untitled 3d action game about dental hygiene (think “Fantastic Voyage”), scheduled for release in November, most likely as a free digital download.

Project Weasel is in what I’d optimistically call “pre-production”.

early production on an arena FPS, if all goes well release end 07 early 08 ; )

Don’t forget Project Subdivision! :wink:

Sector3 also have a second title in production, currently un-named, but its an arcade/action arena based hover-tank battle game.

We also have 2 games in pre-production.

Any more info on WolfQuest? Sounds interesting


I’ve got them linked from the Partners page of my new website … looks really nice … coming soon to a web near you!

Teaching the next generation to howl and pee on things :smile:

Nah just kidding looks interesting.

Hi all!
I’ll release the first public beta of my game soon.
You can add it to the list! :smile:

We’re working away on a vertical slice demo and hope to release it for public testing later in the summer. Thanks to Starmanta, the player wolf can hunt and kill an elk. Garen has done some fantastic trees for us and we’ll be integrating them soon. Ulgonep did a lot of great work on the control system.

Sorry to tease everyone with this, but the wolf game fan base has been very, shall we say, rabid, and we’re reluctant to release half-baked demos into the wild that might inspire needless compliants or confusion about the quality or features of the final product.

Needless to say when we do release the demo, you’ll hear about it and we’ll welcome your feedback.

Just to clarify, this game is grant-funded and will be given away for free, but we want it to be competitive with commerical games.

As I’ve said before, this community is amazing, and Unity and you-all have allowed us to be far more (perhaps too much so) ambitious than we had dreamed of being before we found Unity.

Stay tuned!

Steve Allison-Bunnell
Lead Producer, eduweb