List of Servers available for Unity

Hello everyone

As Unity getting more and more popular there are more companies providing their software with networking solutions for it.

So i would like to get full list of available applications by the nearly mid of 2013
and get some feedback’s on them to understand what is the best so far in the market

I know only Photon server, however after doing some research on the forum i also find some mentions of others so here is my list

UnintyPack Suite

Now I would like to ask which one is the best to use with a game where server side DB will be required

Or maybe It is better to write your own custom server? What would you say?

I’m currently trying to figure out how to work with Photon server by fallowing CJRGaming of Christian Richard tutorials
to be honest that’s way too advance for me, I do understand most of it or lets say syntax in C#, however if you would remove tutorials from me and ask me to repeat something similar i wouldn’t be able to :frowning: I catch myself that im just copying stuff but don’t have clear understanding what is actually going on. I decide that its pointless for me, and i have to go back and learn more about Photon before continue fallowing this great tutorials or search for the alternative solution

I’ve heard Photon and Smartfox are the best.
I’ve been trying to develop an MMORPG in Unity as well, but I think I’m not ready yet. Im going to start with a 1-4 player RPG for Xbox. Perhaps you might want to start on a single player rpg first before getting into MMOs.

I didn’t say that im planning to do MMO, that’s too much for one person.
All i want is something like 6 to 12 ppl in the session (or room if you like) and DB to store some players data

Well you could start by using Photon Cloud, PHP and Unity’s WWW form to begin with, then you still control the DB server side in your PHP scripts.

Working with Photon Server can be hard and will take some time to learn (used it at work for some time so getting there) - but just keep trying and you will learn in time :wink: It is really powerfull in the right hands hehe :wink:

I recommend unityPark suite because you can use unity on the server side for logic and it’s database solution is fairly easy to work with. No sql at all, just Set and Get methods and really easy and scalable key value pairs. We have some video tutorials and educational material about it in our website. Take a look at links below in my signature. There are other solutions available as well, electrotank TNet and …

Following here too, need to know for an upcoming project :slight_smile:

I made this, and am currently using it for an mmo.