List RemoveAt cause unity freeze

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class PathFinding
    // move from A to B
    public static List<Vector2> Find(int[,] tileMap, Vector2 A, Vector2 B)
        List<Vector2> pathTileOpen = new List<Vector2>();
        List<Vector2> pathTileOpenBackTrace = new List<Vector2>();   // for back trace
        List<int> pathTileOpenBackTraceScore = new List<int>();
        List<int> pathTileOpenScore = new List<int>();
        List<Vector2> pathTileClose = new List<Vector2>();
        Vector2 currentTile = A;       
        List<Vector2> adjacentTile = new List<Vector2>();       

        int score;
        int lowestScoreIndex;

        // First, build up the path tile that can arrive destination


            // add adjacent tile to pathTileOpen           
            // 4 adjacent tile to current tile
            // Make sure the adjacent tile is not outside the titleMap                            

            if (currentTile.x < tileMap.GetLength(0))
                adjacentTile.Add(new Vector2(currentTile.x + 1, currentTile.y));
            if (currentTile.x >0)
                adjacentTile.Add(new Vector2(currentTile.x - 1, currentTile.y));
                adjacentTile.Add(new Vector2(currentTile.x, currentTile.y + 1));
            if (currentTile.y >0)
                adjacentTile.Add(new Vector2(currentTile.x, currentTile.y - 1));

            // if adjacent tile include destination, break loop

            if (adjacentTile.Contains(B))

            // remove non-walkable tile
            for (int i = 0; i< adjacentTile.Count ; i++)
                if (tileMap[(int)adjacentTile[i].x, (int)adjacentTile[i].y] != (int)MapTileValue.Empty)

            // adjacent title that repeat with path tile will be removed and not consider                       
            for (int i = adjacentTile.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (pathTileClose.Contains(adjacentTile[i]))               

            for (int i = adjacentTile.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (!pathTileOpen.Contains(adjacentTile[i]) && adjacentTile[i]!=A) // dont take point A as adjacent tile

                    // Caculate Score for each adjacent tile
                    // Score = Movement Cost + Estimated Movement Cost

                    score = (int)(Mathf.Abs(adjacentTile[i].x - A.x) + Mathf.Abs(adjacentTile[i].y - A.y)) + (int)(Mathf.Abs(adjacentTile[i].x - B.x) + Mathf.Abs(adjacentTile[i].y - B.y));



            lowestScoreIndex = LowestScoreIndex(pathTileOpenScore);         

            currentTile = pathTileOpen[lowestScoreIndex];     

            // add lowest score to pathTileClose


            // remove lowest score tile from pathTileOpen


        } while (pathTileOpen.Count !=0);

        // Second, use the open path for back trace from destination to start point

        return BackTrace(pathTileOpenBackTrace, pathTileOpenBackTraceScore, B, A);

    // back trace B to A in the exisitng path tile close
    static List<Vector2> BackTrace(List<Vector2> openTile, List<int> score, Vector2 B, Vector2 A)
        List<Vector2> backTraceResult = new List<Vector2>();
        Vector2 currentTile;

        List<Vector2> adjacentTile = new List<Vector2>();
        int lowestEstimatedCost, lowestEstimatedCostIndex;

        currentTile = B;

            // Get 4 adjacent Tile, tile boundary dont matter because the tile out of the edge will never be the ptc member


            adjacentTile.Add(new Vector2(currentTile.x + 1, currentTile.y));
            adjacentTile.Add(new Vector2(currentTile.x - 1, currentTile.y));
            adjacentTile.Add(new Vector2(currentTile.x, currentTile.y + 1));
            adjacentTile.Add(new Vector2(currentTile.x, currentTile.y - 1));       

            if (adjacentTile.Contains(A))
                return backTraceResult;

            // remove tile not in the open tile list           
            for (int i = adjacentTile.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (!openTile.Contains(adjacentTile[i]))
                    i = adjacentTile.Count;

                    // Set a value for lowest estimated cost, so it can used to compare in loop
                    // only use the estimated cost, because there will be problem if use the total score

                    lowestEstimatedCost = (int)(Mathf.Abs(adjacentTile[0].x - A.x) + Mathf.Abs(adjacentTile[0].y - A.y));
            lowestEstimatedCostIndex = 0;
            for (int i = adjacentTile.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (lowestEstimatedCost > (int)(Mathf.Abs(adjacentTile[i].x - A.x) + Mathf.Abs(adjacentTile[i].y - A.y)))
                    lowestEstimatedCostIndex = i;


            currentTile = adjacentTile[lowestEstimatedCostIndex];           
        } while (true);

        //return backTraceResult;


    static int LowestScoreIndex(List<int> score)
        // Use the final open list title to start comparison
        int lowest = score[score.Count-1];
        int lowestIndex =score.Count-1;


        for(int i=score.Count; i>0 ;i--)

        //   Debug.Log(i-1);
            if (lowest > score[i-1])
                lowest = score[i-1];
                lowestIndex = i-1;

        return lowestIndex;


I know the error come from " adjacentTile.RemoveAt(i)", because no error when i delete it.

  // remove non-walkable tile
            for (int i = 0; i< adjacentTile.Count ; i++)
                if (tileMap[(int)adjacentTile[i].x, (int)adjacentTile[i].y] != (int)MapTileValue.Empty)

Check your if conditional in that second block of code you shared. If not there, check all your other loops using Debug.Log() or break points. The problem is likely not with RemoveAt, but rather your loops are never finishing, which locks up the process.

for (int i = 0; i< adjacentTile.Count ; i++)
if (tileMap[(int)adjacentTile[i].x, (int)adjacentTile[i].y] != (int)MapTileValue.Empty)

the for loop is incrementing the index 'i' while you are decrementing it. This is probably causing the for loop to go forever. You probably shouldn't be changing the value of i from within the for loop
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adjacentTile always start at 4, and only 2 tiles value is not empty in this 50x50 tile map

I dont understand how it can become a endless loop.

Place a breakpoint inside the loop, attach the debugger and run it. Then you can see if it really is exiting or not.

Also, a very important point about Unity3D: if you call Debug.Log(), you will not see it if you never exit the loop. The editor window is updated on the same thread that runs your scripts, so you won’t see anything if your code locks up.

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Attach Visual Studio, then run the project. When it freezes, pause execution (“Break All”), and it should take you straight to the problematic loop. You can then step through the code and inspect the local variables, which should help diagnose the problem.

No compatible code running

I think the problem is not removeAt, because studio can still continue after running the final removeAt code(I count the number of debug.log by delete removeAt in success run )

Put a break; statement at the end of the loop to make it terminate early. I think you will find the lockup goes away.