I’m new to game development, so I might be missing something here… I’ve asked Chat multiple times and scoured the internet for assistance but I can’t solve it. Whenever I use an Unlit shader on anything, it works in the Scene view, but in game it turns into a big red blob. If I use a lit shader, it works in both but if it has an HDR color, I don’t see the bloom in game but do in the Scene view. I’m not sure if these are the same problem, but it feels like it is.
I’ve tried to include all important information in this screen shot, but please feel free to ask for more information if needed. Thanks!
Did you try to see if it works in play mode?
Currently you have the “HDR Rendering” setting set to use the settings from the pipeline asset. Does the pipeline asset have HDR enabled?
Is your bloom effect on a global volume? If not, are you sure that the game view camera is inside the local volume?
It doesn’t work in play mode and functions the same as Game view.
That’s a very good question. I did notice before posting this that they weren’t and configured what I think is the right spot, but I can’t be sure as I get pretty confused by all the graphic setting stuff atm.
Bloom is on a global volume. What do you mean by the camera being “inside” the “local” volume?
Don’t want to lose track of this not being just a bloom issue. I’m also having issues with Unlit shaders. All Unlit shaders are red, no matter what I do. Where as Lit shaders work just fine. Do you think these issues could be connected at all?
Possibly. Are you sure that you are using the URP unlit shader, rather than the built-in unlit shader?