Yes, it was a concept, like I drag drop on photohsop and quick colored but I agree.
That’s quite cool actually. I could live with that, it actually communicates without noise. Even fixes the formatting and would work with my hierarchy mod.
Is it really that bad? How often do you have every game object hierarchy fully expanded?
The Project explorer has icons for every object and no one complains about that. I don’t see this as a problem. In fact I think it’s a step forward, clearly seeing what types of objects you’re dealing with.
I find ToyyoWarfareProject’s mockup more distracting. Those colorful icons begging for my attention!
Ew, you’re not putting the arrow ahead of the icon. There is no software on the planet that does that.
The single icons also look a mess. Most assets will put their custom icons on the right hand side.
+1 this is purely functional and in a hierarchy that has a mix of different types of gameobjects it’s very useful. It does it’s job well.
I probably should be migrating away from prefabs entirely to SO’s if only for the inevitable ECS future. It’s really something that level builders need more than the structure of dynamic objects.
The higher the resolution worked in, the less useful these icons are.
This is something I’ve been spending some time thinking about, too. It seems, to my rather naive perspective, that committing my design and work processes to nesting within prefabs means I’m going that way. More freedom and ease of iteration in design by mouse activity, much harder to eventually strip it all down and make it ECS-able.
On the other hand, going SO’s is a little more initially rigid, and requires a lot more initial setup, the payoff being eventually easily “porting” to ECS performance advantages.
To this end, I kind of think there’s a need for a means of visually signifying objects with SOs in the hierarchy. I’d be cool with text colour changes. The icons do my head in. I have LOTS of objects in my levels, and am using a flatter hierarchy due to the performance gains discussed by Ian Dundore regarding this.
When I first saw that the icons couldn’t be modified, edited or removed/turned off, I was instantly reminded of the furore over Microsoft’s Word Ribbon.
// The number one feature requested for the ribbon; easier, more obvious ways to turn it off.
// Microsoft knows this path well. Anyone remember the PaperClip ‘guy’?
It’s that level of belligerence, but worse, because some of the very best asset store products are hierarchy functionality plugins. Their creators could have (and probably should have) been consulted as experts on how to utilise the hierarchy’s space and potential, something Unity’s ignored for (from my quick research) about a decade.
Who spends the most time using the hierarchy? I as a programmer don’t spend much time there.
I believe level designers spend a lot of time in that window and appreciate those icons. It makes it look more fresh. And beside from the look, those icons actually communicate important information.
I’m not a programmer. I’m a designer. Of UIs and Games. And I can assure you, we don’t love icons, as any kind of general rule. The move towards text-as-buttons and interface wasn’t a bad idea. Time and place for everything.
The hierarchy is one such place where icons aren’t necessary.
I do level design.
I don’t appreciate those icons.
Please continue the discussion here: