little graphic demo

Hello there,
I justed wanted to show off a graphic demo I made for my homepage.

you can find more projects on my homepage at
And I´ve you like my work please follow me on twitter I ´will post new projects soon and I´ll need some help on scripting.Thank´s!/DaveMendera

thanks for your time…

Pretty nice!

Awesome, love it!

The sides of those conveyor belts looks kind of clean compared to the rest of it. Otherwise this is really nice. Reminds me of Quake 4.

Some of the best graphics I’ve seen in Unity, doens’t run smooth on my 3y old laptop, but still nice job :slight_smile:

hey thank you for your feedback.Try to run this demo in full screen mode on my laptop if runs faster in fullscreen.What kind of graphic card do you have in your laptop??

nice work and nice website

Post a few pics? My laptop does not want to load that webplayer :wink:

Very nice looking scene, highly polished, just like the rest of the stuff on your site Dave_Mendera :slight_smile:

Really nice scene

Here are some pics…thanks

Very nice graphics, but it’s terribly unoptimized. I could get a scene like that running at a solid 60 fps.

Post your render stats?

+1 My laptop won’t load it ether…

Edit: Once I posted the page refreshed and there were pictures! :slight_smile:

I have a Nvidia Gtx460 at my home pc it runs on 180 - 200 fps. At a resolution 1680x1050.the web export resolution is 1280x768.

Runs great for me, but I have a pretty pimp rig. I would really love to be able to walk around it with a character controller rather than just zoom about on a rail.

Looks fantastic btw.

It looks nice.

With that said, you have some seams in your normal map (and maybe specular, I’m not sure) that just look weird. Also, in general you went overboard with the specularity, it feels like everything is wet and from the subtle particle effects (which are very nice), it seems like you were going for a more dusty look.

I just tried going full screen, and it relieved the hiccups I was getting and the framerate was much better. But it still could run faster.

Draw calls? Triangle count?

Some browsers run unity like crap. theinfomercial, you are coming across like you are trolling. If you can do better, please post it or mind your own business. Otherwise it is trolling since you have offered no help or anything.

Draw calls? Triangle count?

Update: camera switch to fps…