Little Tool for Replacing the Splatmap -[download]

I modified a Replacement Splatmap from the forum here, (I forgot where I got it from). I guess it is little more user friendly.

This Script can easily to replace the Terrain Splatmap or Lightmap.

It is usefull if you have multiple Splatmaps, just select which Splatmap you want to be replaced.

If the Backup option checked: the orginal Splatmap will saved to your project folder (parent of the assets folder). Rememeber, after the new Splatmap overwrite the orginal one, it is not Undoable. So backup the orginal Splatmap if you need to.

The format of the new Splatmap should be Uncompressed:

  • it must be ARGB 32 bit and Power of Two (RGB 24 bit for Lightmap)
  • “Is Readable” must be checked when imported.

*If New Terrain doesn’t show the Splatmap, create the Terrain Lightmap, then it will show it.

BTW, if you just want to Export a Terrain Map, use the script “LightmapExport.cs” from Island Demo.

I hope someone find this tool useful.

263212–9472–$replacesplatmap_unity_116.rar (495 KB)


Imported a heightmap, works fine. Now trying to apply the new splat map. But I cant find the original splat map even after creating a light map? I tried to paint the terrain to to see if it showed up but no.
Where is it?

[SOLVED] rightclick on the terrain in the project and reimport and it’s shows up. doh!!!

After lots of crashes finally got it to work. Probably caused by my 24 bit bitmap, heh. Worked after using the attached png as a base.

Thanks a bunch for the script :slight_smile:

it works for me too.
But why are the splatmaps so bright?
Am i doing anything wrong with the light?

BTW … Unity crashes when you try to edit a paint terrain texture.

This is excellent, thank you for sharing. This is going to save me a lot of time and headache… :slight_smile: FYI is working for me fine in Unity 3.5 beta

in unity 5 script not work

Please convert it to C# for unity 2018.3
Thank you