Littlewood - Unity crash when starting game

Hey guys, I am really at the end of my wits. I recently tried to play a game called Littlewood, and it works normally on my normal computer.

But on my laptop, whenever it starts, there is this weird issue.

I see a window that says “Littlewood - Unity 2019.4.3f1_f880dceab6fe” and a progress bar that starts moving. Then it disappears and nothing else happens.

Maybe someone could help me out. I have attached the crash logs aswell.

I would really appreciate it. Cheers!

6207720–681822–Littlewood unity crash dumb.7z (4.32 KB)

Hello. This is a community support forum for game developers using Unity to make games. If you are having trouble playing a game your best bet is to contact the developer of that game. It appears they have a discussion forum available here: Littlewood General Discussions :: Steam Community