load all the textures of a folder into an array through code

I’m making a tiny video - just 3 seconds - to play in my game. The playing part of the code seems alright, but I have to assign 200 textures into an array by hand.

I tried to make something in start() which would access the folder with the textures and create an array that I could use.

This is what I put in start(), but it just says that images is assigned, but never used:
Texture2D images = Resources.LoadAll(“video”) as Texture2D;

Any help would be appreciated. I’d also favor c# as I am quite terrible with js.

To your response to what Eric5h5 said, that will put them in order alphabetically, or numerically (hint). But you could also use this possibly:

var arwww : WWW[];
var image : Texture2D[]; //Your array of images, set it to the needed length
var location : String; //The folder of all of your images
function Awake(){
        arwww = new WWW[image.Length];
        for(i = 0; i < image.length; i++){
            arwww *= new WWW(location+ "/image"+ i);*

I didn’t test that, but I extracted that from a method that i’m using to render texture packs in my game. I hope this helps!_