Load and run scene in background

Hey guys,

I want to load a new Scene(The main game) from the start scene(menu).

I use the following code:

AsyncOperation loadscene;

loadscene = Application.LoadLevelAsync("Hauptmenü");
loadscene.allowSceneActivation = false;

and then after I load some things I activate it from another script:

loadscene.allowSceneActivation = true;

My Problem is that the Scene(main game) have to run a few seconds to load stats and other things…
Is there a way to let the Scene(maingame) run, before I let the scene show?

Thanks for help!


I think the easiest way is to load your scene in additive mode…

LoadLevelAdditive (also exist in asynch LoadLevelAdditiveAsync)

(When the scene is loaded you can destroy the previous or anything you need to do…)

Hope this help…