Load invocation failed: No placement configured for id:

I can’t understand what i doing wrong and need help.
When i run test on my device (Android 11 (MIUI 12)) i get:
2022.01.29 22:15:58.320 3752 3919 Error UnityAds com.unity3d.services.core.api.Sdk.logError() (line:73) :: Load invocation failed: No placement configured for id: [id]

I check many times:

  1. Advertisement.isInitialized returns true
    On https://dashboard.unity3d.com/
  2. Ad Unit not archived.
  3. Ad Unit is part of enabled Waterfall
  4. Game ID on site is the same as in project.
  5. Id is for CORRECT device.
  6. Ad Unit id is correct (copy it via button on site and check it through Debug.Log() in OnUnityAdsFailedToLoad())
  7. ADS SDK version 4.0.0.
  8. Test mode enabled (both from code and in project settings).

Also i replace generic Ad Units and Waterfall, but without any results.
Try to load:

private void OnEnable()
Debug.Log("Loading Ad: {_usedAdUnitID}"); Advertisement.Load(_usedAdUnitID, this); } public void OnUnityAdsFailedToLoad(string placementId, UnityAdsLoadError error, string message) { Debug.Log(“!{_usedAdUnitID} Error: {error} - {message}”);
Debug.Log("Loading Ad: {_usedAdUnitID}"); Debug.Log(“Check: {Advertisement.isInitialized}, ID {adI._gameId}”);
Advertisement.Load(_usedAdUnitID, this);

private void Awake()

private void initializeAds()
if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android) Advertisement.Initialize(_gameId, _isTest, this);

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same with me. got this problem too

I fixed it in my case. It is probably because you are following normal monetization integration on Unity Mediation (Beta).
Follow this link to fix it : Unity Documentation
and Unity Documentation