I can’t understand what i doing wrong and need help.
When i run test on my device (Android 11 (MIUI 12)) i get:
2022.01.29 22:15:58.320 3752 3919 Error UnityAds com.unity3d.services.core.api.Sdk.logError() (line:73) :: Load invocation failed: No placement configured for id: [id]
I check many times:
- Advertisement.isInitialized returns true
On https://dashboard.unity3d.com/ - Ad Unit not archived.
- Ad Unit is part of enabled Waterfall
- Game ID on site is the same as in project.
- Id is for CORRECT device.
- Ad Unit id is correct (copy it via button on site and check it through Debug.Log() in OnUnityAdsFailedToLoad())
- ADS SDK version 4.0.0.
- Test mode enabled (both from code and in project settings).
Also i replace generic Ad Units and Waterfall, but without any results.
Try to load:
private void OnEnable()
Debug.Log("Loading Ad: {_usedAdUnitID}");
Advertisement.Load(_usedAdUnitID, this);
public void OnUnityAdsFailedToLoad(string placementId, UnityAdsLoadError error, string message)
Debug.Log(“!{_usedAdUnitID} Error: {error} - {message}”);
Debug.Log("Loading Ad: {_usedAdUnitID}");
Debug.Log(“Check: {Advertisement.isInitialized}, ID {adI._gameId}”);
Advertisement.Load(_usedAdUnitID, this);
private void Awake()
private void initializeAds()
if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android) Advertisement.Initialize(_gameId, _isTest, this);