Load Level Script has stopped working

In my game there is a loading screen that uses a PlayerPref to either load the tutorial or the title screen, depending on if it is your first play. It was working fine, until I added a new scene in the build setting before it, and now it’s stopped completley. Any ideas? Here the code if it helps:

#pragma strict
var newskin : GUISkin;
function Start()
   yield WaitForSeconds(3);
   // there is a saved level, load that one
   // no saved level, load the first one

function OnGUI () {
GUI.skin = newskin;
GUI.color = Color.black;
GUI.Label (Rect (635, 650, 500, 500), "Loading...");

I’ve figured it out now. There was another script that sets the PlayerPref, that I forget to change to the new layout. Opps