Hello everyone,
Well, I’am developing Augmented Reality application using vuforia. I’m using unity 5.3.1f1 with vuforia 5-0-10 it works well when I defined statically the object 3d which placed below ImageTarget, the object show up when the camera read the marker. Then I want the to define the object3D by script (C#).
I’ve tried put the asset on folder Assets/Resource but it didn’t show up when the camera read marker.
Here’s my script:
Transform myModelTrf = (Instantiate(Resources.Load(“Iron_Rod/Iron_Rod”)) as GameObject).transform; // note: not .prefab!
myModelTrf.parent = mTrackableBehaviour.transform;
myModelTrf.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
myModelTrf.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
myModelTrf.localScale = new Vector3(500f, 500f, 500f);
Somebody help me please.