Load Prefabs from the Resource folder

I,ve tried and tried and just can’t figure this out.

So I have a bunch of enemies in my resource folder.
Now Their path is Assets/Resources/Characters/Prefabs/Mummy

I just want to load in the Mummy character

var skelEnemy : GameObject;
var mumEnemy : Object;
var spawn1 : Transform;
var spawn2 : Transform;
var spawn3 : Transform;
function Start () 
		//Spawn / Instantiate something in your Resource Folder
		var sp2 = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Node2");
		spawn2 = sp2.transform;
		mumEnemy = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Mummy"));
		var clone2 = Instantiate(mumEnemy,spawn2.position,spawn2.rotation);
		//Also tried this
            mumEnemy = Instantiate(Resources.LoadAssetsAtPath("Characters/Prefabs/Mummy.fbx",GameObject));

            //Also this too which is using forward slashes instead of backslashes

           mumEnemy = Instantiate(Resources.LoadAssetsAtPath("Characters\Prefabs\Mummy.fbx",GameObject));


From the Resources.Load documentation:

The path is relative to any Resources folder inside the Assets folder of your project, extensions must be omitted.

So perhaps give this a try:


I figured it out I just made another resources folder in my project put it in there and done it works