Load User Custom Image

I want to let my users add a image to a folder in the game, which the game loads and applies to a material, I can get this to work in the editor with resources.load but I cannot change the image once it is built.

I need to edit the second element on a skinned mesh

 using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class loadflag : MonoBehaviour {

Material modiable_mat;
public Texture user_tex;

void Start () {

	user_tex = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("mods/flag_symbol");
	modiable_mat = GetComponent<Renderer>().materials[1];

	//load custom decals

	modiable_mat.SetTexture("_DetailMask", user_tex);
	modiable_mat.SetTexture("_DetailAlbedoMap", user_tex);



Solved it

You can use WWW.LoadImageIntoTexture and replace http://www.yyyy.xxxx/zzzz with file://yourfile


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class loadflag : MonoBehaviour {

	Material modiable_mat;
	Material back;
	public int player;
	string Path;
	public Texture2D user_tex;
	public WWW w;

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {

		Path = Application.dataPath;
		Path = "file://" + Path + "/Resources/mods/flag_symbol.png"; //Location of your file

		modiable_mat = GetComponent<Renderer>().materials[1]; //grab the correct material

		w = new WWW (Path); //Doubts load time for local file so no yeild needed
		user_tex = w.texture;
		//update material to have custom image
		modiable_mat.SetTexture("_DetailMask", user_tex); //
		modiable_mat.SetTexture("_DetailAlbedoMap", user_tex);
