So I have a project that uses BuildPipeline.BuildStreamedSceneAssetBundle to bundle the scenes in an assetbundle. LoadAll was used before to get the scene loaded so LoadLevelAdditive can load whatever scene from the bundle I need.
So LoadAll is depreciated and using LoadAllAssets returns an empty list.
I changed AssetBundler script to BuildTarget.WebGL and it outputs the .unity3d bundle.
So any reason why LoadAllAssets is now returning an empty list?
Why do you need to call LoadAll/LoadAllAssets before calling LoadLevelAdditive? If you have a streamed scene asset bundle, you only need to download it, and call WWW.assetBundle before calling LoadLevelAdditive.
If you want to know the names of the scene which have been built into the asset bundle, you can call AssetBundle.AllAssetNames to get the list.
Because the bundle contains scenes from other projects. Before you had to do LoadAll to make the other project know about the scene in the bundle, if not you would get an error stating the scene did not exists.