Loading a scene isn't removing objects from previous scenes.

I have been trying to set up a loading screen for my game, and have ran in to a problem that i just can’t think why it’s happening. When i switch to a new scene using (application.loadlevel) all the objects from the last scene get carried over. I think it might be the way i am trying to make the loadingscenemanger a persistent object. here is the code.

Loading scene

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class LoadingScreenNew : MonoBehaviour {

  static LoadingScreenNew instance;

  public Text loadingText;
  public Canvas canvas;

  private int loadProgress;

  void Awake()

  if (instance)
  instance = this;
  canvas.enabled = false;
  DontDestroyOnLoad(this);  //make this object persistent between scenes

  public static void hide()
  if (!InstanceExists())
  instance.canvas.enabled = false;
  //function to check if the persistent instance exists
  static bool InstanceExists()
  if (!instance)
  return false;
  return true;


  // Update is called once per frame
  public void Show(string levelName) {

  IEnumerator DisplayLoadingScreen(string level)
  canvas.enabled = true;

  loadingText.text = "Loading Progress: " + loadProgress + "%";

  AsyncOperation async = Application.LoadLevelAdditiveAsync(level);

  while (!async.isDone)
  loadProgress = (int)(async.progress * 100);
  loadingText.text = "Loading Progress: " + loadProgress + "%";
  yield return null;

Calling loading scene operation / Sending level name

        public void loadLevel(string LevelName)

can anyone spot what i have done wrong and why the object’s from the last scene are being carried over.

“Never mind fixxed it” -

But for some reason the progress is always 0% don’t know why the text wont update itself.


without the f it’ll be implicitly casting to an int and making async.progress 0, i think

Awh, i don’t think it’s a casting issue that is the problem shamefully. I think i have to call it from a update or somthing because of it returning.