Loading bar on IE7 doesn't update

Has anyone else noticed that the loading bar doesn’t draw properly on IE7? Is there a way around this maybe by adding your own?

Its really annoying because the user doesn’t get any feedback and the page just says done but in fact unity is still loading. Eventually the bar appears at 100% and the app starts. Works fine on Firefox and Safari.

I’m just using the default html script with a custom logo.

You should probably submit this as a bug report using the Unity bug reporter app.

Well there’s no point if it isn’t a bug.

Plus the last 3 reports I’ve put in I’ve had zero replies on, you get better responses here.

Looks like a bug to me as the same thing works as expected in one browser but not another.

You should not expect replies from bug reports (except for the initial auto-reply) unless more information is needed to identify the issue.

You can track the status of your reports by following the link in the original auto-reply email.

Yeah sure, but if no-one else has seen it, the chances are I’ve just set something up wrong, everyone knows that different browsers often require slightly different setups to get right, so maybe someone already knows how to fix it.
If I just log a bug report and get no reply then I never find that out.

Support for my main 3d app will confirm the bug after a report and then you get an update if it’s fixed. That way you find out very quickly if its something you have done wrong. I think that is a better system than simply not replying.

Definetely seems to be something I’m doing wrong if I go to the unity site and try their demo on IE7 their loading bar works fine.
