I may have just missed this in my search so forgive me if it’s elsewhere.
Does anyone know how to load an image into, for example, the bumpmap slot in a material using the Bumped Specular shader? In the docs all I could find was how to apply one to the main texture. Any clue? Or is this an impossibility with basic scripting? Below is my simple test script for applying a local external texture, as an example. It works fine but I’d also like to swap out the normal map too somehow.
var url = "file://load_texture_diff.png";
function Update () {
if (Input.GetButton ("Fire2")){
renderer.material.mainTexture = new Texture2D(1024, 1024);
new WWW(url).LoadImageIntoTexture(renderer.material.mainTexture);
mainTexture is a shortcut for SetTexture(“_MainTex”, someTexture); So if you want to replace something other than _MainTex, you’d look in the shader to see what it’s called. Bumpmaps are usually, as you might expect, called “_BumpMap”.
Thanks, Eric. Yeah I saw that in the docs right after posting, of course. I’ll update with my results in case anyone else does a forum search and runs across this thread.
Ok, I just tried this
var url = "file://load_texture_norm.png";
function Update () {
var bumpMap : Texture;
if (Input.GetButton ("Fire2")){
renderer.material.SetTexture("_BumpMap", bumpMap) = new Texture2D(1024, 1024);
new WWW(url).LoadImageIntoTexture(renderer.material.SetTexture("_BumpMap", bumpMap));
and I am getting errors: "Assets/LoadBump.js(13) error BCE0049: Expression cannot be assigned to."
and "Assets/LoadBump.js(15) error BCE0017: The best overload for the method 'UnityEngine.WWW.LoadImageIntoTexture(UnityEngine.Texture2D)' is not compatible with the argument list '(void)'."
What am I doing wrong here?
You have the right idea, but mostly you’re just getting the order a bit wrong. Also, I know the docs say that using .mainTexture is “the same” as using Get/SetTexture with a _MainTex name, but it’s actually a reference to that texture. Whereas SetTexture is a function that performs an action and doesn’t return anything (“void”), not a refererence to the texture. Hence the error message…understandable confusion but it will all make sense eventually.
var url = "file://load_texture_norm.png";
function Update () {
if (Input.GetButton ("Fire2")) {
var bumpMap = new Texture2D(1024, 1024);
new WWW(url).LoadImageIntoTexture(bumpMap);
renderer.material.SetTexture("_BumpMap", bumpMap);
Also you probably want GetButtonDown rather than GetButton.
Ah, many thanks Eric. It’s starting to come together for me.