Loading image from iphone.

I send image path to unity using iOS Unity plugin. And in Unity I try to get this image using received path (I have no other idea how to send image from iphone to unity). The problem: I still can’t get the image.
WWW Error: The requested URL was not found on this server.

//Tried both "file:///..." and "file://..."
string path = "file://var/mobile/Applications/173DE26D-4C0E-4DF7-9DC6-9CBB7D4FC954/Documents/Images/image.png" 

Texture texture;
IEnumerator WaitForRequest(WWW www) {
    yield return www;

    if (www.error == null) {
        texture = www.texture;

void Start() {
    WWW www = new WWW(path);

There is actually no native way to get images from iPhoneGallery/CameraRoll. The best thing that I could really find was this here : http://forum.unity3d.com/viewtopic.php?t=18614 . Hopefully it helps you!